"Watch Later" | Watch List (Web Only)

ViewNexa Apps has a feature that gives publishers the option to allow their users to mark content to "Watch Later".  This feature encourages content discovery and increased sessions by allowing users to scroll and mark content that they want to watch at some point in the future. This is an optional feature that must be turned on in your CMS before it will be available to your app users. Please note: this is currently a Web/Mobile Web feature only. Reach out to your Solutions Engineer for assistance activating this feature.

Once a piece of content has been saved to watch later it will be added to a new dynamic content row on the discover page. A user must be logged in to save content to the watch list. Movies and Videos and Episodes can be added to the watch list. If a user selects "Watch Later" on a Series (at the top level rather than on a specific episode), the first episode of the series will be added. To add more episodes they must select them from the Series detail page. 


Adding Removing Content from a Watch List

Users can add a piece of content to their Watch List by scrolling over the thumbnail and looking for the "Watch Later" icon in the top right of the image. Clicking on the icon will add a piece of content to the Watch List or remove a piece of content if it's already on the Watch List.


Once a user has added at least one piece of content to their list, a new "Watch List" content row will appear on the discover page. The publisher can control where on the page the Watch List is placed in the Layout section of the CMS.




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