Google Analytics

Google Analytics are used for providing insights into your users activity throughout your website. Follow the instructions found here to begin set up of your GAM account:

Once you have completed set up of your account you will need to enter your GA ID (Google Analytics ID) into the Powr platform which will enable us push all video related events to the ID that is specified for Web & Mobile Traffic. 

In the CMS navigate to Settings -> Integrations and add your GA ID:


If you have mobile applications with Powr, we use firebase to show all analytics activity for the apps. For iOS, Android, AppleTV, AndroidTV and FireTV you can navigate to your firebase project created for your apps and access the analytics information.

More information on Firebase can be found here

If you have a Roku channel with us, you can set up a web property for GA and provide the GA-ID to your solutions engineer to be applied for your Roku app.


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