Analytics are an important part of tracking and monitoring the performance and popularity of your content.
Powr CMS breaks down Analytics on a Video, Platform and Geo Level across your site and applications.
Analytics By Video:
On the CMS, from the left menu, click on Analytics > Content to view your top performing videos based on your selected time frame.
Clicking on the Graph icon allows you to drill into a deeper video analytics page.
On this page you can find your video's Total Views, Watch Time and Platform Breakdown for a given time period. You are able to export this video specific data into a CSV from this page.
Analytics By Platform:
On your CMS, from the left menu, click on Analytics then Content and Select Platform From the top menu.
Use the dropdown to view analytics based on Video Views, Watch Time, and Average Watch time based
Use the date range to filter data for a timeframe and the export to CSV feature to download your data.
Analytics by Geo
On your CMS, from the left menu, click on Analytics then Content and Select Geo From the top menu.
Select Geo from the Title MenuUse the dropdown to view analytics based on Video Views, Watch Time, and Average Watch time based
Use the data range calendar to select how much data you would like to see, and use export CSV to receive an email containing your data