Content Access Scheduling

Note: This is a premium Powr feature. Please contact your Solutions Engineer for information on how to activate.


The Access Schedule feature allows you to set a schedule of various Access options for a Video, Series, Episode, or Movie. Example - You can determine when a piece of content can be changed from unlisted to public and vice versa

Set Access Schedule for Series

  1. This feature is accessed on the Details page of the content you want to schedule. "Access Schedule" will display at the top as a new tab. Click "Add Schedule" to add a new schedule for that piece of content.

  2. A new box will pop-up that will allow you to set the date/time for the schedule as well as the accessibility of the title (Public or Unlisted).
  3. Enter your settings and click "Save".

Set Access Schedule for a Season and/or for an Episode

  1. Within a Series you can set an access schedule for an entire Season (top arrow) or per Episode within the specified Season (bottom arrow)Screenshot_2.jpg
  2. Clicking either Access Schedule Icon will bring up the Access Schedule dialog box for you to set the desired schedule

Set Access Schedule for a Video/Movie or Live Event

  1. Within a Video/Movie or Live Event you also have the ability to set up an Access Schedule for that piece of content

  2. Create Access Schedule as described above
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