
Integrate Coupons to provide customers a discount or access to content you've monetized for free.

Step 1: Accessing Coupons

From the Powr dashboard, select "Bundles" and then "Coupons" from the drop-down menu.




Step 2: Creating a Coupon

From this section you can edit existing coupons or add new ones. Select "New Coupon" to add a new coupon.




Step 3: Editing a Coupon 

As shown in the example screen below, you can edit every aspect of your coupon.




Name: Give your Coupon a promotional name.

Code: Either enter a custom code (e.g. 25OFF) or we can auto generate one for you.

Quantity: This number dictates how many coupons will be auto generated or how many times a single coupon can be redeemed. 

Bundle: This allows you to choose which of your bundles the discount can be applied to.

Discount Type: From here you can choose whether the discount is a dollar amount off, a percentage off, or free.

Amount Off: Choose how much the coupon will be worth.

For Recurring bundles, Apply discount to: Here you can choose how the coupon is applied to recurring bundles. The discount can only be applied for the first payment in a subscription, or for every payment.

Expires: Choose an expiration date for your coupon.

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