
Playlists allow you to program your content exactly as you want by choosing the exact order of different types of content (e.g. Ad, Bump, Open, and Video) that plays in your playlist.


Note: This is a premium Powr feature and is only applicable for Network accounts. Contact your Solutions Engineer for further details if you have interest.


Part 1: Editing/Creating Playlists


Step 1: Opening the Playlist Manager


From with the Powr admin, select "Content" and then "Playlists" from the drop-down menu.




Step 2: Creating Playlists


To create a new playlist, select the "Create Playlist" button along the upper right side.




Step 3: Editing Existing Playlists


To edit an existing playlist, select the Gear icon to the right of the playlist you want to edit.




From the Edit/Create Playlist page, you can set a Display Name, Description, and Thumbnail to represent your playlist in the discovery section of your microsite.




Part 2: Programming Playlists


From the bottom of the Edit/Create Playlist page, you can select the "Add item" button within the "Programming" section.  Once you have added an item to a playlist, you can select its type from the "Type" drop-down.




There are several different types of content you can add to a playlist:


Open: A piece of content that introduces the entire playlist. We allow you to serve from various ad sources as well.


Bump: A piece of content that introduces the next section of content within the playlist. We allow you to serve from various ad sources as well.


Ad: A sponsored advertisement that can be placed within playlists at designated times. We allow you to serve from various ad sources as well.


Video: The core of the playlist. This is the content you want to show in your playlists. Simply search for the video you want to show and select it.


Part 3: Adding a Playlist to a Discover Page


Once you set up your playlists and want to show them on your Powr properties, from the Powr dashboard go to "Settings" and select "Layout" to get started.




From the Layout page, select your Discover page section.




From here you can search for the playlists you would like to add.




Once added, be sure to select "Save" in the upper right corner. Your additions/updates should now begin to show across all of your Powr properties.

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