Each video on Powr sites has an embed code that can be copied and pasted anywhere on the web. You can choose whether you want to share a single video or the entire channel that video lives on.
Accessing the embed code
On your Powr site, click into the video you want to embed. Select the share icon on the right hand side. The bottom line of code under Embed Options is your embed code.
You have multiple options to choose from:
Autoplay - Video will autoplay upon load. Takes precedence over Autoplay muted (Note: Due to some browser policy updates on Web, some browsers will override this and force the embed to not autoplay on load.)
Autoplay muted on mobile - This is a required setting if you want your video to autoplay on mobile web. If you choose to do so, the embed will automatically mute on load on Mobile Web environments.
Continuous Playback - This will allow the Powr embed to move to the next video in the channel once the current video ends.
Embedding an entire channel
To embed an entire channel, simply grab the embed, locate the source URL in the embed and remove the video id from the url. Here's an example:
<div style="position:relative;width:100%;padding-bottom:56.25%;"><iframe src="https://www.bumblebee.tv/watch/channel/americas-funniestvideos/0-srsnvks0d71m-feet-up-for-the-fail-funny-videos-afv-2020?autoplay=true&autoplayMuted=true&autoplayNext=true&embed=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;position:absolute;"></iframe></div>
In the above embed, simply delete the highlighted ID above in red and you will embed the whole channel. Here's what it looks like as an embed for the channel.
<div style="position:relative;width:100%;padding-bottom:56.25%;"><iframe src="https://www.bumblebee.tv/watch/channel/americas-funniestvideos/?autoplay=true&autoplayMuted=true&autoplayNext=true&embed=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;position:absolute;"></iframe></div>
Once the embed is loaded, it will select the first video in the channel.
Note: Embed works best on content with 'Public' access type. Any content that requires login or is behind a paywall is not currently supported at this time.
Public Videos, Movies, Episodes, and Live Events can be used for an embed. However, countdown pages for future live events are not supported at this time.