Geoblocking allows you to specify access to a video/movie/series/live events by country. You can use geoblocking to either restrict access to only specified countries, or restrict specified countries from having access. Use this tool if you have distribution rights to content in certain locations. Geoblocking on Powr is performed on a video playback level. When a user tries to watch a content that has been geoblocked, they will be notified that the content is not available in their country.
To enable geoblocking you must go to the Geoblocking drop down in each content details and add your restrictions. This section can be edited during the content upload process, or edited later by following the below steps.
Enabling Geoblocking:
Step 1: Click edit on your content details:
Step 2: Enabling geoblocking
Scroll down to the section 'geoblocking' and from the drop down you will be presented with three options:
No geoblocking
This video will be available to viewers in all countries.
Allow in the following countries
This video will only be available to viewers in the countries you specify.
Block in the following countries
This video will be available to all viewers except in the countries you specify.
Step 4: Specifying countries for Geoblocking
If you select "Allow in the following countries" or "Block in the following countries" a search box will appear. In the box type in the countries you would like to specify.